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About Us

In 1996, Melissa launched Heart & Home, a giftware and home décor line. The birth of the Melissa Frances scrapbooking line happened quite accidentally. As a leader in the giftware market, Melissa had designed paper mache boxes and shapes with charming vintage looking art labels. Soon her customers started requesting the labels for their own craft projects. Over the course of mass-producing her vintage labels for individual sales, scrapbookers and scrapbook publications discovered them. The excitement for the line was fever pitched, as Melissa's product was very original and served an underdeveloped niche in the market. With the success of her vintage labels, Melissa began to pursue creating an all-encompassing product line for the discerning scrapbooker; A line that wasn't trendy, or followed fads, but one that was timeless and everlasting. Spring 2004 was the launch of the full spectrum Melissa Frances scrapbook line.

In April 2009, Melissa Frances and her fiancé/partner Brian Matteo bought the Melissa Frances brand from their third partner and moved the company from Toronto, Canada to Pennsylvania, USA.

Today, Melissa Frances continues to build upon the tradition and esthetic summed up by her company motto: "Timeless, Vintage-inspired Design".